Today was graduate day for master and doctoral degrees. And guess what, 2 of my friends were graduated today. Yeaayyy!! xD xD xD one of them is my friend from undergraduate program, though we’ve never been in tha same class. We were in different department xD. And the other one is my postgraduate classmate. Yeay yeay yeay! xD Oh, when I wrote this post, I was in library. Doing my thesis *sigh*. And definitely going to attend mbk Ren’s graduate xD hahahaha But, something bothered me. Upset me, actually and I almost cursed :(. Thank God I didn’t do it hehe. Why? It’s because my stupidest friend. I asked them wether they are coming to graduate or not. And do you know, one of my friend answered me “enggak ken, lagi males ke kampus..” WHAT THE HELL? WHAT THE FAK? Dafuks se dafuk dafuknya dafuk. APAAN GAK DATENG KE WISUDAAN TEMEN CUMA GARA-GARA MALES KE KAMPUS??? OH WELL THEN! I WON’T COME TO YOURS, EITHER. Yaoloh jawabannya :”( Jadi gitu ya balesannya. Kamp...