Farewell Novi Budianto. Rest In Peace

Kuatkanlah hatimu lewati setiap persoalan…
Tuhan Yesus selalu menopangmu, jangan berhenti harap padaNya
Tuhan pasti sanggup, tanganNya tak kan  terlambat ‘tuk mengangkatmu…
Tuhan masih sanggup, percayalah Dia tak tinggalkanmu….
Percayalah…. Percayalah…. Tuhan pasti sanggup

Tuhan Pasti Sanggup – Maria Shandi ft Mike Mohede

I just got a sad news (when I wrote this post, I was teary). One of my junior in SHS, one of my church mate (idk how I called it, we were attending same church), one of my team mate during Sunday service, or another events in church, literally one of my good friend, just passed away. it really brok my heart. Novi Budianto, I do miss you :’)

This story begun early of 2015. My mom called me as usual. And then she mentione one name, Novi Budianto. Salah satu temen, dan jemaat yang kita banggakan. Secara dia keterima di Akpol. For us, it was a great bless from God! But my mom told me another story. Baru ketahuan ternyata sudah beberapa bulan Novi gk di Semarang ikut pendidikan. Novi selama itu ada di rumah. Perawatan. What shocked me was Novi was diagnosed by cancer. Novi kena kanker usus. Udah parah.  When my mom told me, I almost cry. 

Rasanya gk percaya. Novi, as I known him for years, wasn’t a weak person. He was strong. He was brave. He was kind, really kind. And he got that cancer. Orang sebaik dia, cobaannya luar biasa.

It revealed that my friends visited him while he was at home. We all know Novi must be upset, sad, more than we can imagine. Tapi temen-temennya berusaha memperlakukan Novi seperti biasa, like nothing happened. Seolah-olah Novi sehat. Mereka bercanda-canda seperti biasa. Though Novi was too weak too follow their jokes. It was saddening. Mamanya cerita kalo Novi bakal berobat ke Singapura, berhubung kanker ususnya sudah menyebar dan sulit diobati. But we believe in God. Mujizat itu nyata. Kita dimintain untuk bawa Novi dalam doa kita masing-masing.

I prayed for him every night.

Months passes. Berita berikutnya, Novi muntah darah. Again. I almost cry. Berarti Novi semakin kritis. Novi muntah ketika akan naik pesawat yang akan membawanya ke Singapura. Akhirnya Novi batal ke Singapura dan berobat ke Malaysia.

For a while, honestly I didn’t pray for him. But after my mom told me his last condition, I prayed for him. I really prayed for his healthy, for his strength. For his family. I asked my God, “kiranya berikan Novi kekuatan dan penghiburan. Biarlah kiranya kehendakMu yang jadi. Kiranya mujizatMu nyata dalam kehidupannya. Apapun hasilnya, itu adalah yang terbaik bagi Novi dan keluarganya. Berikan kekuatan dan penghiburan bagi keluarga yang merawat dan menjaga”

Saya tidak meminta kesembuhan, tapi saya minta mujizat. 

Dan tadi sore, my mom called me. Tadi siang my mom met my friend from church. She told my mom that Novi was opnamed at hospital, in ICU (it broke my heart). My friend even showed my mom newest picture of Novi. He was sooooo thin! Bener-bener kurus. Ibu saya berniat menjenguk Novi malamnya. But, Tuhan berkehendak lain. soreny, ibu saya ditelepon, dikabarin bahwa Novi gk ada. It shocked my mom. Then my mom called me told me the same news.

I still can’t believe it. Novi, temen satu gereja. Sering banget pelayanan bareng, mulai dari ibadah Minggu sampai perayaan Natal. Temen bercanda bareng. Saya masih inget banget, terakhir kita pelayanan bareng it pas Natal 2008. I was a part of choir group, he was in music team, alongside with my brother. He was playing drum. Masih inget heboh-hebohnya, sibuk-sibuknya latihan dan persiapan bareng. Latian nyanyi sampe malem. Di gereja  dari pagi sampe malem pas hari H perayan. Nyapu gereja bareng. We weren’t a really close friend, but still we were a good friend, and he was a good friend of mine.

Last time I met him was Christmast 2013. He visited me alongside with other friend. He was wearing his police uniform! Bless me I had a chance to met him in his education year, and while he wore his uniform. Hehe . Yes, that police wannabe. 

And here I am, still trying to believing that you weren’t around anymore. It’s hard to believe. Others say so. Even my mom was crying when attending ibadah penghiburan.

See, Novi. You were loved by many people. You were a good person. And when I was seeing those old photo, you laughed happily. I know it’s stupid, but I hope I can turn back the time, back to those old happy days.

2Timothy 4:7 “I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course. I have kept the faith”.

Novi, you have fought a good fight. You have finished your course. You have kept the faith. You have lived a blessful life. Farewell, dear Novi. Rest in peace. gonna miss our service time

Gladi resik Natal Pemuda-Remaja GKNI Antiokhia Sanggau 2008. Novi who was playing drum

Kiranya Tuhan memberi kekuatan dan penghiburan bagi keluarga yang ditinggalkan….

PS: I wrote this post yesterday but just got a chance to post it. Sorry :)


  1. Balasan
    1. who are you? where are you going to post (or re-post) this post?

  2. My name is Mutiara Krissanty, saya Kristen. Saya mau post di ig, maksudnya ini contoh kesaksian teman bg novi semasa hidup bersama dia. Saya cuma sertakan link blog ini saja

    1. aahh you know Novi then.. yes please re-post this on your IG account with the link, since this is my own blog :)

  3. Sudah, bisa dicek di ig saya @mutiarakrissanty


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