
Menampilkan postingan dari 2016


If I am told to describe myself, the first thing I’d like to say is… I’m such ignorant person. Not in bad term, but I do not pay any attention about people bad-mouthing me. I don’t f*cking care. Mostly I don’t even know if people bad-mouthing me or worse, dislike me.


This time I don’t feel like joking around. Been this serious since negara api menyerang slash detik-detik ujian tesis. Wkwk

iKON - What You Do? #iKONWYD

Sooooooo…….. Here I am, wide awake and supposed to do my thesis revise instead of writing blog wkwkwkwk But please, for once, excuse me for my pabo-ness. Hehehe So, I’ve been into fangirl-ing thing for last a 2 weeks. For exactly since iKON announced they will doing concert in Jakarta next September. And my dear sister asked me to watch them together. I never knew my sissy was an iKONIC herself. All I know is she’s beauty and inspirit. Heleh But I decided not to go to the concert. I put my priority first (bright future) and I bought iKON album instead. Now I am waiting for my album arrive. Yoohoooooooooo~~~~


Recently, I really like this rookie idol grup named iKON. Wkwkwk, well first thing firs I am one of YGStan over the world. But my main bias are BigBang and iKON. Hehehehe Since BigBang made their a long awaited comeback (after hiatus as whole groups for 3 years! Gosh!) last May, I was really happy and I tried to follow all their lates news. But it was quite hard huhuhu. And BigBang lil’ brother made their debut in September. Finally! I really like their songs.! Hahahaha And yeah, I am fan-girl-ing them like another fan-girl. Pfft. I mean, I looked them up through some IG accounts and another thing. But the thing is, I almost forgot about my thesis. Matik! Until I got some love letter from my faculty. HUHUHUHUHUHUHU Unlike BIGBANG, who have fans international forum (oh they provide you with translation for international fans),   iKON don’t have this kind of forum. Not yet, as far as I know. All the translation I know is from fan account, who dedicated th...

that graduation

Februari itu bulannya wisuda buat anak UGM. My brother also graduated in this very month last year. I graduated in November 2013. Wkwkwk Jadi?


Hari sabtu itu asiknya ke mall…. Bukan ke perpustakaan fakultas ngendon ~ Hari sabtu itu asiknya baca novel sama komik….. bukan baca jurnal sama literatur ~ Hari sabtu itu asiknya nonton film, dengerin musik…. Bukan denger rekaman wawancara buat transkip ~ Hari sabtu itu asiknya leha-leha santai…. Bukan ngebut nugas demi deadline ~ Hari sabtu itu asiknya menikmati hidup…. Bukan menikmati tesis ~ Huuuuuffff

me and my (not)self-contained, you and your stupid(ity)

I don’t even know whether she is busy with her co-ass, or she is turn out to be an ignorant girl, or just simply stupid. Fool. Moron. Idiot. Dumb. Or whatever you named it.

me and your fool(ish)ness

Kamu pernah SMS ngucapin selamat Lebaran, natal, or any season greetings for your bestfriend? Pasti pernah. Langsung dibales? That was good.