
If I am told to describe myself, the first thing I’d like to say is… I’m such ignorant person. Not in bad term, but I do not pay any attention about people bad-mouthing me. I don’t f*cking care. Mostly I don’t even know if people bad-mouthing me or worse, dislike me.

There was a time when some of my friends really ignoring me because of some events and turned their back against me. And one of them really dislike me. 

And I’m not a kind of person who hold grudges against another. I do hold but not for a long time. I inherited this personality from my dad, who also doesn’t hold grudges.

When I have something against anybody, usually I spilled it out to my mother or my trusted friends. But sometimes, I posted it on my blog. Sudah gapernah post di media sosial lagi. I just don’t think that’s elegant. But sometimes, nyinyir di media sosial perlu (kata temen wkwk)

These days, am not in my best mood. I was in my worst, foul mood. I was busy with my works. I was tired. I was worn out. I was thinking about many things at the moment. And I explode.

What was the cause? Well, just usual thing as social creature. But for this time, I’ve been holding my grudges against certain person for a long time. Since last year, actually. But I just keep it cool and let it go and observing around. 

But last time I couldn’t hold it anymore so I just muntap gitu ae. My victim? My trusted friend :”) I even used a bad word while spilling out to her. Since this friend already know whom I was talking about. 

And I told my mom too. But maybe, this evening when I told my mom, like EVERY SINGLE THING I was bothered about, the related person probably heard me? But, yes. I already I don’t care nor bothered.

And I really really do not care if this person fire back me. Go bad-mouthing me as you please because I don’t care.

Go dislike me as you please because I don’t care either.

But, first. You should know who you are talking back to. I don’t care I’ve been talking back to, if it was pure my fault. But please watch your attitude. Watch your mouth. Do not act as you are right for clearly you are the wrong one.

Njay dibilangin langsung nantang. Macem bagus aja lau.  If you really do good, show it! Bukan banyakin bacot. See? B A C O T.

Should I make it clear what I dislike most? One of them is I don’t stand such ungrateful attitude. I don’t stand such stubborn attitude. I’m a stubborn myself but I know how to act stubborn and when I should act in such well attitude. I can’t stand people who don’t do their best, effortless.

And let me make it clear. I do not like you and your lot. For whatever you’ve been doing past these years. Punya mulut tu dijaga. Gausah lebay masalah kecil jadi besar. And be grateful, don’t firing back for whatever people do for your goodness sake. 

Do not comparing myself and you, we came from definitely different background and level studies as well. So please, do not act as a fool as you probably already a fool.

And do not expect me to care as I don’t. I treat people based on attitude. You act as asshole? Then I’ll pretend you don’t exist. It’s easier than treat you as you deserve.



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