random holiday, and random writer!

Helloooo! Pals! Hahahahaha.. long long long time no see :p. actually, I have no idea what thing I will post today. But, yeah, I felt I need to post something. Sooo, here we go :D
                umh, there’s no important thing to share *maybe*. I’d like to tell you my last holiday hahaha my “freak” holiday -____-“

My final exam ended on 20 Jan 2012, so it means HOLIDAY! Yeay! Friday nite, I went to east java with my brother to starting the holiday haha. My mom told me that we would go to Batu with my aunty and her fam, ofcourse Yosi joined us. Yosi is my cousin, and my junior in college. Hehhehe -_-v

First destination? Batuuuuuuu :D I always dreaming to go to batu. It’s the coolest place I have ever felt -____-. We went to there on Saturday, Monday was Imlek. It meaned that we went to Batu on long weekend. We almost slept in our car haha. Almost hotel were full! Orchid Hotel, one of the most expensive hotel in Batu was full -__- what the hell

Sunday morning, we went to Malang, Batu and Malang is soo near, just need 30minutes to go to there by car or motorcycle. So near huh? Hehehe.. and what was I doing in there? Umh, actually I didn’t doing anything in Malang. We just went to Universitas Brawijaya, took some pictures and back to Kediri. On the way back to Kediri, we also went to Coban Rondo. It’s a waterfall, so cool in there, and so crowded -___-“. Last destination? We had a lunch at Waduk Selorejo. I though it’s a good waduk, I was disappointed. It’s hot, and crowded. Syududududu~. And the waduk was bad smell, like a flood. Hufh..

And where was I now? I’m in Jogja now! Hahahahaha -_____-“. Maybe next Monday I’ll be back to Kediri, to make my driving lisence, and to spend my holiday hahahhaa..

This post is so random right? Hahaha forgive me xD I really have no any idea to write something :p. next time, I promise, I’ll post some seriuous thing hehehhee.. wait ya :D


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