Welcoming October, welcoming a new
day! And welcoming new spirit :D hehehe eventhough while I posted this post it
was the third day of October :3 a little bit late, doesn’t it? But it doesn’t
matter. The most important thing is I post this post :D
Well, this time I would like to make
some wish. Yah, monthly wish. And I hope I can do all my wish. Amen :D
Okay, check this out :)
1. #octoberwish post more stories :D well, actually I’ve wished it last June. But yeah
you know I was too lazy to write some stories :(
2. #octoberwish get a brand new experience! Hahahaha. I just be the chosen on to be an
researcher assistant in my campus. Well. I didn’t expect me to pass the
interview. The interview was so so so…… Fill the dots with your own answer hehe
:p but yeah, my lecturers have chosen me to be a part of researcher assistant. Thanks
3. #octoberwish get some lucky hahaha
4. #octoberwish get some idea, umh topics I mean. To do my last task. Yeah, you know. Skripsi
5. #octoberwish healthy! Yeargh! Since back to Jogja, I fell there’s something wrong
with my body. My stomach especially huhu T_T
And many more #octoberwish :D I have so so so
many wishes. But it impossible if I mention all of them and write it out,
right? Guess my God knows my wish in every single night. And I’m pretty sure
that HE knows best :*
Good morning
And God Bless You! :)
Congratulation for being chosen as a research assistant!! I'm very proud of you. I hope one day I'll be the lucky one like you.
BalasHapusAnd I hope all of your #octoberwish comes true :*
hahaha ameennn... thank you dear Oky :*
BalasHapusjust keep trying and keep spirit! ;)
success to you too :)) lancar KKN! hahaha