
                Flood. Water is every where. Well, that’s the condition of Indonesia capital, jakarta. All news exposed about the flood -.- hmm.. the condition was bad enough without complain from farhat abbas. You should stalk his twitter. It was funny. Blamed Jokowi for the flood but he didn’t give any solution hahahahaha :p 

                The cause of the flood? Of course there are so many rubbish in the rivers. Well, it was not a new news actually. You can know it by googling about Jakarta’s rivers condition. It flooded by rubbish. So why did they complaining? They thrown by themselves the rubbish into the river.

                And when the flood just happened, they blaming the others. No one been a volunteer. I thought karma does happen. Hell yeah, that’s what we call “humans” or in Javanese “jenenge menungso”.

                But I know rubbish in not the only one cause the flood. There are so many causes.

                I was sad to hear what just happened in Jakarta. I can not do anything beside pray. Be strong Jakartans! I know you can do it. Hope you can be better citizens after flood :D cheers!


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