The Son of Neptune

Title       : The Heroes of Olympus Book Two: The Son of Neptune
Author  : Rick Riordan
Publisher: Disney Hyperion Books, New York
Year       : 2011
Pages    : 521
Price: Rp. 95.000,-  paperback cover (P+)
Genre   : fiction, mythology Roman, Greek


                Percy is confused. When he awoke from his long sleep, he didn’t know much more than his name. somehow he has managed to make it to a camp for half-bloods, but it doesn’t ring any bells with him. The only things he can recall from his past is another name, Annabeth.
                Hazel is supposed to be dead. When she lived before, she didn’t do a very good job of it. Now, because of a mistake she made back then, the future of the world is at risk. Hazel wishes she could ride away from it all in the stallion that appears in her dreams.
                Frank is a klutz. His grandmother says he is descended from heroes, but he doesn’t see it. His bulky physique makes him feel like an ox, especially in front of Hazel, his closest friend. He trust her completely-enough to share the secret he holds close to his heart.
                Beginning at the “other” camp for half-bloods and extending as far as the land beyond the gods, this breathtaking second installment in the Heroes of Olympus series introduce new demigods, revives fearsome monsters, and features other remarkable creatures, all destined to play the Prophecy of Seven.



Review (a little review)
Assumed you known about this series :D (too lazy to tell you the whole stories. Fool me)
            Percy has been disappeared from his camp, camp half-blood. But who knows if he woke up in house of wolf, with Lupa the wolf god (or goddess) beside him. He lost his memory and just remembered his own name and his girlfriend, Annabeth. Then Lupa trained him, so he can survive in his (impossible) quest. Lupa told him to go to San Fransisco, asked him to join to another camp for demigod like him. While he took a journey, some monster tried to kill him. Of course, he was a-boy-with-good-smell-for-monster, since he was son of Poseidon, or Neptune, whatever. The monster who attacked him for time to time were gorgons. No matter how hard Percy killed them, they would re-form in no time.
            Finally Percy had arrived in Roman camp, another camp for demigod, children of Roman gods and goddesses. Brought Juno on her back, Percy had been saved by two demigods from the camp, Hazel and Frank. Hazel, daughter or Pluto and Frank, son on unknown god. Arrived safely in camp, Hazel and Frank brought Percy to Reyna, the praetor, or should I call her, the leader. but somehow, Percy felt strange with camp, although he was a demigod, just same like the others on the camp. He felt didn’t fit with the camp.
            His first night in camp, Percy along with Hazel, Frank and another demigods played a war games. With Percy in their team, Hazel’s team can win the game. But something strange happened. Gwen, one their team mates had died in war game. Nobody know who killed her. But her soul just back on her body. Like nothing happened. Then Ares, or Mars came to warn the demigods. He also claimed that Frank was his son and gave him a spear as a gift (spoiler!). Mars warned the camp that Gaea, mother of earth is trying to rise and rule the world, which it means doom. Mars left with a quest(s) to do. He asked his son to do the quest. Along with Percy and Hazel. And their adventure begun.
The quest.
            Stop Gaea from her rising. Find Thanatos, or the Death from his chained. Find the legion’s eagle that lost a long long long time ago. Kill Alcyoneus and be back at least on Feast Fortune. The team, Percy, Hazel, and Frank had only a few days to do their quest, less than a week. Well, as usual, the quest is impossible. And dangerous.
The book(s)
            Oh, I love this series! umh, no, I love histories actually. And this novel based on histories. So, when I read this series for the first time (Percy Jackson and Lightning Thief) I fell in love with them ~~~~~ hahahahahahaha
This is fantasy stories, based on Greek mythology and history. You know like their gods and goddesses. And I just known that Greek has affected Roman mythology. Roman gods and goddesses, well they are actually same with Greek’s. but Roman gave most of them different names. Zeus (Greek) became Jupiter in Roman, Poseidon became Neptune, and so on. Juno that I mentioned before was Romans form from Hera.
            The way Riordan made stories, well. He’s awesome! And he’s a history teacher, so it explained how he could be that expert on Greek and Roman’s histories. His second series, well I prefer this series than the first one. I don’t know maybe I’ve read them continuously (or maybe you call it marathon-ly) I felt bored. This series is more exciting, I think. And more there’re more romantic sides (spoiler, a little bit). Hahahahaha
            I never can’t stop while reading this book >,<. I was so curious how this stories ending. Hehe :p
            There are many new actors in this series, like Reyna, Octavian, Leo, Jason, Piper and so on, but the old actors still exist they have the main role. Olympian series without Percy and Annabeth would be boring. Am I right? =D
            But, just like the book (and series) before, it is not end yet. The stories will be continue in the third book. Mark of Athena. And I’m reading it. Hehe
            I think I will end my review here. Because I won’t be spoiler. You should read the WHOLE series by yourself. Hahahhaa so you can understand why I fell in love with this series. wkwk
            Happy reading
PS: This is my first review on English, because the book I read is in English too. Hehe I’m sorry if my grammar is bad. Learning, you know. :D



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