
9 April 2014 was an election day in my country, Indonesia. But, too bad, I couldn’t participate in the election.

Why didn’t you participate in the election? Didn’t you use your voting rights?

Well, I didn’t participate not because I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t. yeah, I had no time to fill the A5 form or whatever the name was. I’ve been busy with my master degree. You couldn’t do the election if you only have your identity card. Huhu

All I could do yesterday was praying, so the people who have been chosen by the election can bring our country to be better. I mean, they can stop KKN practice, reach welfare goals, and so on. Hehe

So, because I couldn’t participate yesterday, I should participate on president election next July. Absolutely should! No matter where I am, to pay what I should do but I didn’t. hhe

Congratulation to whoever that won the election. Do your job well, fulfill your promise. Make a welfare dream come true!


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