make it happen!

“Will this road have macadam on it?” She tried to imagine a ribbon of black stuff all the way to Columbus.

“Of course.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I can see the futures,” (her father) said simply.
She looked up at him curiously. “How do you do that?”

“Nothing hard about it. You just think about the way you would like things to be, and then you start working to make them that way, and that’s the future. One day, every street in this town”- he waved in the general direction of town – “will be paved with macadam. I’ll see to it.”

Old Dogs and Children, Robert Inman.

Want something? Make it happen!

That’s all the conversation about.

Btw, I found this conversation while doing my weekly task. Kwakwakwa :v


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