
Menampilkan postingan dari 2015

August's will

Halo….. Sudah lama sekali rasanya sejak postingan saya yang terakhir. Yaaah lagi-lagi alasannya adalah tesis. Maklum, saya sedang melakukan riset untuk tesis saya. Di tambah di Kediri susah sekali untuk terhubung dengan internet. Bisa sih buat internet, di hape. Kalo tethering yaaa di atas jam 8 pagi biasanya bakal lemot banget. Huaaaaaaa :”(

Epik High - Born Hater (or you should be born lover xD)

Hey… long time no post something here. Hehehe may you forgive, cause I’ve been quite busy last (around) 2 weeks ago. You know academy things. Hehehehe

Farewell Novi Budianto. Rest In Peace

Kuatkanlah hatimu lewati setiap persoalan… Tuhan Yesus selalu menopangmu, jangan berhenti harap padaNya Tuhan pasti sanggup, tanganNya tak kan   terlambat ‘tuk mengangkatmu… Tuhan masih sanggup, percayalah Dia tak tinggalkanmu…. Percayalah…. Percayalah…. Tuhan pasti sanggup Tuhan Pasti Sanggup – Maria Shandi ft Mike Mohede


My parents know I love reading. For instance, my family hobby is reading. For me, reading and collecting just like a package. I almost always spent my money buying books. Hehehehe. Even my parents support my hobby. It’s better than spending my money on something else. Books, can least longer. I can read them over and over again whenever I want. Hahahahaha

balada tugas akhir

Saya jarang ngepost di blog, padahal udah niat buat rajin ngepost. Hahahaha ingkar janji nih saya :”3

Ring Ding Dong (Shinee) cover version

Jadi, ceritanya saya lagi bener-bener gak ada kerjaan di tengah malam. Mata masih belum mau diajak merem -____-“ (saya tipe orang yang kalo bobok cepet biasanya tengah malam bakal kebangun nglilir terus tidur lagi menjelang subuh). Berhubung kuota internet sudah kembali terisi, saya kemudian liat-liat video di youtube, dan nemu cuplikan video dari survival program named KPopStar season 2. Jeng jeng… Awalnya sih saya liat-liat videonya Akdong Musician, duo dari YGEntertainment (since I’m kind a fan of YGFamily). Terus saya nemu video Akdong Musician (Akmu) jaman mereka masih di KpopStar season 2 (you can googling about Akmu, since I was too lazy to tell you kkkk).   Dan ini videonya asli, keren banget! Mereka ngecover Ring Ding Dong nya Shinee (you better googling them as well) Check it out below: Saya setuju kalau ada yang bilang Akdong Musician adalah musisi yang cukup berbakat. Somehow, feelnya waktu denger mereka bawain Ring Ding Dong beda banget denga...

Eyes, Nose, Lips

I fell in love with Taeyang’s Eyes, Nose, Lips from his newest album RISE. From the first time I heard the song. Instantly. Hahaha 

mancing penyakit

Jadi ceritanya kemarin saya sama keluarga besar dan genk byarpett mancing. You know, makan-makan wisudaannya si adek. Berhubung tu bocah (dan genk byarpett) hobinya mancing, akhirnya kita mancing lanjut makan-makan.

cerita tesis

Jam 10.59pm dan saya masih di depan laptop. Niatnya sih mau ngerjain latar belakang tesis. Tapi yaaaa……. I have started doing my thesis, officially. And I started thesis with….. party sickness.


Hey gank!  Here I am, somewhere in library. Hehe. you know, doing my thesis. I’ve met my supervisor. Got some useful advice, and he left the decision on my hand (yaiyalah -_-).


I am officially starting my thesis. I just closed my 2 nd semester last month sweetly with, well you know, take home. Hehe. I mean, my last day of exam was filled with a deadline of 3 task at once. It kill you if didn’t manage your time. And I almost got killed *kidding*. Hahaha


Today was graduate day for master and doctoral degrees. And guess what, 2 of my friends were graduated today. Yeaayyy!! xD xD xD one of them is my friend from undergraduate program, though we’ve never been in tha same class. We were in different department xD. And the other one is my postgraduate classmate. Yeay yeay yeay! xD Oh, when I wrote this post, I was in library. Doing my thesis *sigh*. And definitely going to attend mbk Ren’s graduate xD hahahaha But, something bothered me. Upset me, actually and I almost cursed :(. Thank God I didn’t do it hehe. Why? It’s because my stupidest friend. I asked them wether they are coming to graduate or not. And do you know, one of my friend answered me “enggak ken, lagi males ke kampus..” WHAT THE HELL? WHAT THE FAK?  Dafuks se dafuk dafuknya dafuk. APAAN GAK DATENG KE WISUDAAN TEMEN CUMA GARA-GARA MALES KE KAMPUS??? OH WELL THEN! I WON’T COME TO YOURS, EITHER. Yaoloh jawabannya :”( Jadi gitu ya balesannya. Kamp...

I want (this song)

I currently falling in love with this love song. Sung by Luke James, I Want You. This song was, well simply romantic. And this song should be my wedding song, beside the usual wedding march. Hahahaha :p Though I have no boyfriend right now *cough* *wink wink*. But this song is really good. Never get tired for this song. Hahahahaha although this song is quite difficult to sing.  Especially whoever of you that falling in love right now, this song is for you xD