
I am officially starting my thesis. I just closed my 2nd semester last month sweetly with, well you know, take home. Hehe. I mean, my last day of exam was filled with a deadline of 3 task at once. It kill you if didn’t manage your time. And I almost got killed *kidding*. Hahaha

And here I was, writing this post, just for killing my time waiting for my supervisor. And guess who? My supervisor is Mr. Kris and Mr. Sus! Jeng jeng… couldn’t get better than this!

I mean, when I was doing my undergraduate thesis, Mr. Sus was my supervisor back then. And in my postgraduate, Mr. Sus became my supervisor along with Mr. Kris (actually, I called Mas Kris instead Pak Kris when we met).

I’m going to to write about CSR (corporate social responsibility) for this thesis. CSR was my research plan for graduate thesis back then. But I changed and research about social values instead. It was like dream come true for me!

This day will be my first day consult with my supervisor. It felt thrilling! There are nothing can freaking me out but doing my thesis and meet my supervisor. Hehe 

I hope I can finish my thesis as soon as I can. My dream was I can finished my research in June-July. So I can makan lontong sama rendang sepuasnya spend my Lebaran-free-time with my mom and dad.  And dating with my lovely books! Hahahaha who can resist that?

Well, now I’m off to see my supervisor. Wish me luck!


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