wraping up 2016

2016 have been a busy year for me. Practically. Literally. Because of thesis progress and I was in my fifth semester as postgraduate student, as I mentioned on my previous posts.

Usually, a good postgraduate student graduated on their fouth semester. But not in my case. It took me a whole three semesters only for thesis. Starting from research proposal, datas collecting process, and lastly writing up the whole thesis. Since my thesis was kinda complicated and there was an obstacle that I must handle all by myself, surely it stressed me out. Not that I was a bad postgraduate student. There were a lot of things happened. That’s all.

The only reason why I, in the end held my thesis defense, was what my supervisor told me. He said it when I met him for discussion. Yeah, we discussed a lot. At that time, I just got into his room, was closing the door when he suddenly said “kamu ndang ujian aja ya” (I don’t really remember the exact sentences). I was miss hearing what he said wkwkwk. I thought he was going to cancelling our scheduel that day since he already canceled the previous meeting and I was in the edge of nerve.

“Ha? Gimana mas?” was all I could said back then. What a stupid I was! Psst, I called my supervisor “mas”. I don’t know, I always call him that way since my undergraduate days.
He then said “nek revisi terus kapan rampung e? mbok ndang diuji wae”.

I was speechless. How could I wasn’t. I wasn’t confident with my own thesis as it wasn’t perfect and there were a lot of fatal flaw here and there. But my supervisor urged me to complete the whole thesis from cover up till bibliographies. Sure there were things I should do before I submitted.

When my supervisor signed an approval of my thesis at last, it took another weeks to knew my defense schedule. There was a tense while waiting as I was reschedule once as my  supervisor had another important appointment. During those times, I couldn’t slept well. But I couldn’t studied well either. Mostly I watched movies or korean things during those hell-like times. Heheheh. At the last moment, I watched Mix and Match and Who Is Next despite I would held my defense less than 48hours. Malah baper nonton dua reality show itu.

My thesis defense was something. It wasn’t what I had expected. And I wasn’t dibabat either. Hehehe. Surely at first I’d like to say I was dibabat. But now if I thinking back, wasn’t bad. Not as bad as my thesis proposal defense. Pas ujian proposal mah beneran dibabat sana-sini. My thesis defense went quiet well. There were quiet a lot thing I needed to revised but fortunately not the core thing. Not the most substantial thing. Said, what I needed to do back then was shaping up my thesis into a better shape. Sure, my thesis was good enough but not that good. My supervisor knew the hardship I went through during my staying in Kediri for six months. If I am thinking over what he said back then, I could tell he wanted me not to wasted whatever I had prepared, what I had collected, what I had learned (I was assigned as an evaluator team of Green and Gold Documents for PROPER 2015, an evaluating program by Ministry of Environment and Forestry. In the middle of datas collecting process!). My supervisor indirectly told me to went forward with whatever I had in my hand.

Say, my supervisor was really a good sport! Always clear headed everytime I met him, eventhough he was in a bad mood or tired (I could tell by his expression) or when he was busy with works. He never let his nerves got me. Always giving a lot of advices. Supported me during my thesis struggling. Yes, the struggling was real. Always patient with me though sometimes his remarks was harsh. I learned a lot thing from him. Really. Especially academic writing related things. Academic writing wasn’t as easy as we might think. What with my university was quite strict with plagiarism issues. beuh tiati kalo nulis. Wkwk

After all, thesis was really made my life more dynamic. With the ups and downs I went through.

And I learned a lot more during my days as research assistant for social mapping. I’ll post it later.

I must admit, this kind of post was a wrap for my hiatus last year. I hope I can writing much more in future.


Ps: I think Linkin Park – Waiting for The End match well with post.
This is not the end, this is not the beginning
Just a voive like a riot rocking every revision
So I’m picking up the pieces, now where to begin
The hardest par of ending is starting again
Waiting for The End – Linkin Park


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