Balikpapan Day(s)

When I wrote this post, I just got home from have a nice me time after a long hours doing works. Eyhaaaa hahahaha

It was my first time, ever, doing work at some cafes. Usually I do all my works either at home or library. But today I needed new atmosphere and new ambience so I could do my work better. Hehehe. Those donut and coffee shop was my destination. You know, donut shop near the G bookstore. Hehehe

What kind of works did I do these days? None but social mapping. HAHAHAHAHA

I just got back after spending a-nice-yet-challenging 14days at Balikpapan as research assistant. My brief time staying there were something. Hehehehe

Padahal saya baruuuu aja kelarin laporan buat pemetaan sosial di Cilacap. at the last moment before heading to Balikpapan, saya masih ngurusin revisi laporan buat Cilacap.

Had a chance to do social mapping at Balikpapan was a blessing for me. Because being unemployee isn’t cool. Untung banget langsung dapet kesempatan buat jalan-jalan penelitian di Kalimantan Timur. that was my very first time went to Balikpapan.

This time, I went to Balikpapan with a bunch of new people, though some of them I already knew personally. 2 of my Balikpapan teammates were my teammates for cilacap back then.  It was kind of challenging to work with people I barely knew about. And work at totally new places.

Surely I was growing up at West Borneo. But East Borneo? I only knew a little about Balikpapan. My father went there a couple of time for works and always told me Balikpapan was the most modern city among cities at Borneo.

Jadi asisten peneliti itu……. Kudu multitasking. Termasuk bikin surat pengantar dari kelurahan buat terjun lapangan -_-“ orang kelurahan ndak ngerti isi surat pengantarnya kayak gimana. Hahaha

Selain itu, jadi asisten peneliti ituuuu… gak Cuma wawancara sana sini, tapi kudu jeli liat kondisi sosial ekonomi budaya masyarakat. termasuk bisa nangkep banyak hal bahkan dari  observasi.

But the most important thing was…. How I act as new people at new environment. Termasuk gimana caranya wawancara orang dengan berbagai latar belakang. Kan gak mungkin wawancara pengurus PKK tentang proyek jalan tol. Atau wawancara bakul tempe pake bahasa njelimet.

But I really enjoyed the process. Dan tinggal sama orang baru selama di Balikpapan.

Seriously, when we heading to social mapping location, we looked like mahasiswa KKN. Bawaan segambreng bok!

I, personally brought my carrier because I brought a lot of things. My carrier was full with research instruments (souvenirs, quesionaire) and personal belonging including helmet, raincoat, blanket, sabun cuci baju (ini penting wkwkwk) and another things. Udah macem mau KKN kan. Hahahaha

Untung, dapet pondokan yang bagus banget. Hahaha walaupun resikonya jauh dari lokasi pemetaan (satu jam PP pake motor). Setidaknya selama pemetaan saya bisa tidur nyenyak tanpa beban. Serumah sama orang baru (beneran saya kenal mereka pas briefing sehari sebelum keberangkatan dan selama di bandara). At those times I didn’t talk much with them).

But during our social mapping days, we didn’t get much time to enjoy Balikpapan, aside where we did our research. Kita jadi anak gahul Balikpapan di hari ke 10. SEPULUH. Dan malam hari. MALAM. We hung out at seashore, talked about anything. Oh iyaa kita juga sempet nongkrong dari puncak bukit di Balikpapan. Minum es jeruk sama makan indomie. HAHAHAHAHA

But, Balikpapan keras! daily expense were high. But I wasn’t surprised. I didn’t buy anything as souvenirs. I only bought kepiting kenari lada hitam, nikmat duniawi. Haha

Now, all we should do now was write our reports. That’s why I went to D donut shop. Ngadem sekalian garap. Mayan, hari ini produktif. Hahaha

Btw,  I was into Psy’s newest album know. I really like his song called “Bomb”. Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb

See ya!


I found this draft when I was rumagging through my laptop xD supposed to post it last year but.. yeah. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


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