Bucket List

Bucket list.

I’ve never had once before. I do have plans throughout my whole life. But never write it down, or do some deep talk about it. For me, my dreams are personal. I shared them with people who I love and care the most. Only for my closest circle.

But come to it, I think it’s kind of interesting to write about my bucket list.  So here are a few of my bucket list.

1.           Solo travelling aboard
A few months ago, I talked with my brother. Asking when his days off were. I was supposed to asking him to travelling together. I told him I wanted to visit some four-season-country in Asia. He bluntly told me to go by myself. He jokingly told me I won’t get lost as long as I have GPS on my hand. That idea linger in my mind for weeks until I told my mom.
To my surprise, she didn’t say no, she approved it. Even better, she encouraged me to do so, told me to go ahead. It’s perfectly okay to traveling alone.
I planned it out then. I’ve started to prepare for the upcoming vacation. Read the visa requirement, flight price, accommodation (Airbnb or usual guesthouses, I looked out them all). So far, I was waiting for my schedule to clear. It’s quite hard for me to get some days off between June – early December. Usually, I took some days off during Christmas hols. Meanwhile, I still doing my job, though honestly, it’s hard to focusing on it. Hehehe. My mind lingering away.  I can’t wait to travelling all by myself.
2.       Ink on my body
Honestly, I’ve put some ink on my body years ago, though it was a temporary one. But the idea to put another ink lingered in my mind for years. Especially when I went to Bali last April.
When I put the ink back then, it was 2011. I was in Bali for research which during that time I met some tattoo artist strolling around Sukawati Art Market. At that time, there were a lot of tattoo artists that using temporary ink. But when I went back to Bali, there were none. I don’t why. Sure I saw a lot of tattoo clinics (a.k.a tukang tattoo wkwk). But I still in doubt to put permanent ink. I don’t have the gut hehehhe.
But, when I decide to put an ink, I’ll put something memorable. Because for me, tattoo is something personal for me. Tattoo is a manifest of myself, a memento A reminder of what I’ve been through. I reminder for me to stay strong. Reminder for me not to lose myself, my identity as human being, as a Ken.
I still didn’t do it. Partly because I am sure my parents will allow me put permanent ink. Partly because I am afraid of needle. HAHAHAHAHA I only let a needle sunk into my skin for medical reason.
3.   Book geek
My closest friend and family knew I was an avid reader, a book geek, nerd in my way. But I never before created a reading list, until recently. Usually, I went to bookstore, bought some and read them all. When it comes into series, I tried to read and collects them (term and conditions apply. Lol). Here are my must read before die book list:
Song of Ice and Fire saga. Yes. Everybody knows about those infamous HBO series that went as far as 8 seasons. Games of Thrones. Thought, some people said there are around 1% for world population who don’t watch the series, including me. HAHAHAHAHA
Last September, I bought a copy of the first novel from the saga. Started read it seriously since two weeks ago. Hehehe.
Number two: Haruki Murakami’s novels. Yes I am new fan of Haruki. I started my journey by read Colourless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage. So far, I’ve read 3 to 4 novels by Haruki, including Norwegian Woods, 1Q84 Trilogy (gosh so thick!), and Hear the Wind Sing. On my list, there are Kafka on the Shore, Sputnik Sweetheart, After Dark, and Killing Commendatore. The sad thing is, I never found those novels every time I visited the bookstore. Hehehe. Usually I buy my novels from Periplus.  Oh btw, all the books I put on the list are in English.
Number three? Well the list is going on and on if put all of my reading list. To make it short, I only put two xD

In the end, I only write three things on my bucket list. Actually, I have a lot of dreams that need to realize. But well, I don’t feel like to share it publicly.

Ah I need to pay more attention to my blog (cliché).

As a closing, here you go my current repeat songs.

Stray Kids – Mixtape#4 a.k.a Broken Compass


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