the chosen one
Jesus and the chosen twelve: many people followed Jesus, but He shared His heart
with only chosen twelve. Even they were slow to understand Him, as the Gospel
testify, and one eventually betrayed Him. It’s not easier in our own to find a
dozen folks who can really hear us. Count yourself blessed if you can find two
or three. But you won’t find any if you don’t take the risk of baring your
heart to likely candidates. And finding even one is worth the risk.
God only choose twelve people, even though he Has a billion follower. How about
us? We have no as many friends as God. Find the right one is hard. Not easy
like making friend. Friend is just friend. But when you find the best friend,
he/she will be family for you. She/he will stand for you when you down. Will
remind you when you getting more arrogant. Will be for you not in the sad
moment, but also in the happy one.
true best friend is hard to find. Once you find it, keep him/her. Once they
betrayed you, never trust them anymore. But do not hate them. Hating is just
wasting energy. Keep loving them. Yeah I know, betrayed by friend is hurt. It’s
hard to forgive them. Yes, I know how did it feel when my friend(s) betrayed
me. Hehehe
Thanks God
I met @naadiiyah :). I would take the risk to be a friend with her. Thanks
nads, for being my-teman-terbaik-ku :3, for listened to my stupid stories, for
being patient on me wakakak xD thank you thank ypu and thank you. Behh bareng
terus ye kita mule dari KKN sampe asisten peneliti. Wisuda juga yuk! ;) ask
@methafatma and @niaasitanggang to join us wakakak
See ya!
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