Thank you, abudantly

This time, I wanted to say thanks to people who greatly helped me went through my hardship during thesis progress.

It was a pretty late, tho. Since I didn’t spare any pages left for those-thanks-to slash halaman persembahan di tesis. Cuma nyantumin di skripsi ajah. Wkwk and I already posted it years ago.

Thank God, to my one and only Saviour, my life’s light source, for His Blessings to me day by day. Without Him, I was nothing. I am me now because Him.

Thank you Prof. Susetiawan, SU, for his willing to supervised my thesis for the second time. Hehehe matur nuwun Prof, sudah dibimbing dari jaman S1 sampai selesai S2. Always asked my progress every time we met at university. Terima kasih atas masukan-masukannya.

Thank you, Mas Kris! Dosen pembimbing terketjeh seantero FISIPOL UGM (kedua setelah Pak Sus. Teteup). Terima kasih, mas sudah dibimbing selama tiga semester tesis. Wkwkwk. Thank you for being patient with me. Walaupun kadang saya suka ngeyel tanpa dasar yang kuat. Suka males bimbingan. Terima kasih sudah bersabar sama saya, mas. Thank you for letting me joint your team as PROPER evaluator two years in row! Hehehehe
Beneran deh, Mas Kris tu terbaik! Selalu sabar ngadepin saya yang kadang suka lemot nangkep penjelasan beliau. Never let his nerve hit me, even though I knew he was tired. And I always knew his harsh remark was for my goodness sake! Terima kasih nasihat-nasihatnya mas, masukannya selama bimbingan. Thank you for your support during my hardships. I mean it.

Koh Ardian, Ade. For being there with me during our (my) hardship. Especially kokoh! We never made it, met up just the three of us! Eh pernah deng, makan di warung koreaan KW and spent our evening at Galeria Mall. I really miss those time! Thank you abundantly for your support. Maybe I wouldn’t made it if you weren’t there stayed by my side. I’m missing our times together. Thank you, my love.

Mas aris, staff TU yang ter….usil mungkin? Always complaint to us (me and kokoh) karena kita selalu ke kampus hari Senin atau Kamis. He was fasting and gak bisa malakin kita buat ditraktir wkwkw as we always teased him we would treat him something nice. But I sent him a special packages. Hehehehe
Mas-mas TU yang selalu kita repotin. Someone who let us used his scanner machines for our own thing (submit for graduation ceremony). Beliau kayaknya sampe bosen liat kita bedua mulu yang muncul. Sampe kalo yang ke kampus Cuma salah satu dari kita bedua pasti ditanyain. HAHAHAHAHA

Tante Ratna dan keluarga besar. For let me staying for 6 months! Hehehehe bener-bener jadi anak tante sejak riset tesis. Wkwk thank you tante, for your kindness. I learned a lot about life during my life there. Jadi hafal sama jalanan Kota Kediri hahahaha dan juga dek Monik, my cute little sister, my roommate, my friend when I was bored to death. Hehe I’m missing Kediri like, really miss it! Kediri was my third home. I miss how this little city staying humble despite the modernity. Kediri was staying same, even after years I visited from time to time (year to year actually xD). Kangen nasi pecelnya, nasi gorengnya, baksonya. And I miss my aunt’s arem-arem! Tante Ratna always made some arem-arem everytime I went home. Arem-arem by default. Hehehehe I love you the moon and back, tante.

Kediri people, for letting me did some research. Kelurahan Semampir, Kelurahan Dandangan, Kelurahan Balowerti, and Kelurahan Ngadirejo. Oh wow, my research location was quite wide, btw wkwkwk.

People who always asked my thesis progress! HAHAHAHAHAHA entah siapa aja saking banyaknya yang nanya sih. Hehehe

Thank you.


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