wrapping 2017 (1)

My life as the “youngest” worker was dynamic. As I told you before, my work mates were all mischievous, I was supposed to be mischievous as well hehehehe

I said “youngest” because I was the last one to join the gang. The real youngest one was dek Abrar.

Our work time was from 07.00am until 16.00pm (IYA JAM TUJUH PAGI BARENG ANAK SEKOLAHAN). But usually I stayed longer due to some task and sometimes we just stayed longer because talking. Kayak tadi, pulang agak telat karena ngobrol. Atau minggu lalu pulang jam 9 nemenin slash bantuin (dikit) si bocah ngerjain ini itu. Padahal posisinya lagi flu dan hampir tumbang tapi dikuat-kuatin. WQWQWQWQ

Or the day before. We just came back from airport, doing some business and got back to office quite late. We just stayed a little longer talking about everything because we both agreed “jam segini di kantor tuh enak ya” (waktu itu sekitar jam setengah tujuh, jam tujuh an malam). Even our assistant manager who always stayed late went home before us.

I recognized something during my-staying-longer-at-office, we started talking nonsense when it was over work time. Like this evening. We were talking about everything without particular topic when suddenly we talked about kebab.

Me: “aku pengen kebab deh. Tapi kan digoreng”
Him: “emang kenapa?”
Me: “kan aku lagi batuk”
Him: “kalo gitu minta direbus aja kebabnya”.

What an answer! Sungguan tiada bermutu emang.

Or another stupid conversation.

Spent my time with dek Abrar or any work member really changed me into someone who can laugh easily. Gimana gak ketawa mulu kalo kadang temen sekantor suka ngelawak? Yang jelas makin sabar apalagi kalo udah pada mulai usil. HAHAHAHAHA
Tapi kusayang fungsi L&R (:
My first month was really went so fast! At first I was nervous about leaving Jogja. But now I was in the middle enjoying my time at work with team L&R, with the ups and downs, with the bad and the good, with the white and black daily life as an oil and gas industry worker.
I hope I can coping up with whatever I was supposed to cope up with. Hope my life for the rest months was meaningful yet colourful. And leaving this small yet asique city with the whole new me and the whole new experiences!


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