Bookworm story: bookstore review

Today was so cold, as it was raining in the morning.

If you know me well, then you already knew that I was a bookworm.
Yes. I inherited reading as hobby from my parents. Not only reading, I really love collecting book. Sorry not sorry, I owned more than 150 copies of book at my bed room. Wkwkwk

For the last 5 years, I mostly bough books in English. I didn’t remember when last time I bought an Indonesian book, beside comics of course. Hehehe

Mostly I shopped online, as it was more convenient but pricey as well. The shipping fees was expensive! Damn

So, I want to share with you all how I bought my book and where to looking for.

1.                  Periplus Bookstore (🌸🌸
My favourite, ever bookstore! I am a member of Periplus Elite Card btw, with some advantages. Hehehehe (there was a time I bought a copy of Harry Potter and The Cursed Child for IDR 350k meanwhile my friend bought it for more than IDR 400k wkwkwk just because I showed them my member barcode).

Periplus is not only a bookstore, they have online kiosk as well! If I couldn’t find the book I want at the bookstore, I’ll search it on their website.
Why do I like periplus? Simply because their friendly and helpful service. And their price was quite affordable. I often compared their price with another store and yet I found periplus was the cheapest and their collection was quite complete. 

And oh! Every year they hold a summer sale discount up to 70%! I bought a Breaking Dawn novel for only IDR 40! How lucky I was! (the original price was IDR 120k). If you checking up their website regularly, you’ll find an interesting promo, especially if you hold a PEC. wkwkwk
And now the hottest promo from periplus was free shipping without minimum purchase within Java area! Shit *cries*

If you are living at Jogja, you can find Periplus Bookstore at Maliboro Mall Lower Ground and waiting room Adisucipto International Airport Terminal A and B.

2.                  Books and Beyond (🌹🌹
I only bought a novel from Book and Beyond (BB) once. It was when I visited Lippo Mall Jogja after met my thesis lecture. BB at Jogja was quite new. Their prices were quite fair, for some item, their prices were cheaper than periplus.
But, BB’s collection weren’t as complete as Periplus. That’s why I rarely visited these bookstore (selain karena alasan ke Lippo Mall lebih ribet kudu muter dan macet). But still it worth a shot when you are looking for books or novel.

3.                  Booklover_Indonesia (🍀🍀
I knew this online shop on Instagram as they followed me years ago. But I didn’t have the nerve to buy anything from them at the time. I bought something after my sister bought a novel and told me.

They didn’t sell a brand new book, but they sold a second hand book with good quality. Every time I shopped there, I never disappointed. Hehehe and their service was quite nice.
What I like from them was, when I asked about a book I was looking for, they willingly to looking for them from their storage and told me about it. And the sold Sidney Sheldon! It was kind of difficult to find any Sidney Sheldon novel on bookstore. And when there was a chance, surely I bought it! Wkwkwk

So far, I’ve bought 2 encyclopedias, some novel from Sidney Sheldon and novels by Enid Blyton (famous five that was published on early 1990s). hehehehe their books condition were still good even though they were old.

Oh they had another account for children book (second hand as well). Check here
This online shop was based on Semarang and they use JNE as their shipping courier. Check them online how much the shipping fee is.

4.                  Jeni Comic (🌺🌺
This online shopping was only sell comics! Huehehehe as I my self was an avid comic lover. Wkwkwkwk this online shop was trusted! Trust me! And their delivery shipping was pretty cheap and affordable! And the owner will remember our request about comics. By “we” I mean the regular customer. I once asked about some comic that weren’t available at the time. Months passed, the owner contacted me whether I still wanted the series or not! I touched me how they remember customer’s request.

They were based on Solo, if you curious. Usually, the shipped my order using Wahana. You can search by yourself how much the shipping fee is.

5.                  Big Bad Wolf Indonesia (BBWI) 🌷🌷
BBWI was my favourite, ever book sale event! As their price were crazy. All book discount up to 80%. Crazy, huh? I never attended the event myself as I had another thing to do *cries*.

But last year I asked my sister to bought me some books. I got Hunger Games box set for only IDR 150k! The original price was more than IDR 300k HUEHEHEHEHE and another book.
Usually, at event like this I always looking for some old books like any novel from Enid Blyton and Sidney Sheldon.  Yea I know, I read an-oldies-novel. Wkwkwkwk

BBWI was held twice a year at Jakarta and Surabaya. The thing is, this event was held for 24hours a day! Super crazy huh?! I might found myself camping out outside the venue if I got the chance HAHAHAHAHA and those discount really got me! Huhu *another cries*

So far, that’s all my-happiness-sources. I hope my review help you out to buy book. And oh!, beside Jeni Comic, all the bookstore I mentioned above mainly sell an imported book. So yeah, the books were on English.

See you on another post, fellas! Have a nice day



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