Am not a type who remembering date, unlike usual
girl slash anak kekinian.
I don’t know, I don’t really remember the
important date on my life. I just remember a few of them.
When I was in a relationship (gosh, years ago!) I’ve
never remembered the important date. We’ve never celebrated our anniversary or
anything like that. We just lifed our live as usual. Lupa kapan jadian, kapan
Karena saya tipenya jalanin hidup ya ngalir aja
gituh. Ehehehe.
But here, a few dates I still remembered up till
The oldest date.
5 April
Utul UM UGM, alias ujian tulis masuk UGM. Wkwkwkwk still clear as crystal that
day. Inget banget karena habis ujian praktek olah raga dari pagi sampe siang
sorenya langsung cuss ke Pontianak dan besok pagi-pagi terbang ke Yogyakarta
transit Jakarta dalam kondisi badan sakit semua.
Tesnya di UNY, lantai 3, duduk paling depan. Wkwkwk
pas tes kaki rasanya mau copot saking pegel ujian lari marathon 2.4km :’). Mana
di UNY gak ada lift jadi ke ruang tesnya pakai tangga. Ehehehe
25 April
Saturday. The day! Pengumuman lolos enggaknya di UGM. Hehehehe thank God for
His Endless Blessings for me, I accepted to UGM as undergraduate student. Hehehe.
The next week, I went to Jogja for the third time in less than three month to
registered myself. Ke Jogja padahal minggu berikutnya UAS. Udah bodo amat gitu.
When I went back to school, everybody, like
everyone asked where did I go last week. I told them I was on vacation and they
protested. Lah, kok protes. Sini mah berjuang keras biar bisa keterima kuliah. Hehehe
momennya emang pas banget habis UN saya terus ngilang. Wkwk
Agustus 2009. Upacara penerimaan mahasiswa baru di UGM slash
ospek slash PPSMB. Left home at early morning and back to home at evening for
the next 4 days. Seru aja sih. Hehehe
3 Oktober
Pendadaran! HEHEHEHEHEHE still clear in my mind as it was happened yesterday. How
I couldn’t sleep well, how my life was a mess but thank God I got a bunch of
people who cares about me during those times. Thanks to you, Nadia, Mas Aji. Luv!
November 2013. Graduation day! Wohooo!
february 2014. It was the day when Jogja was covered with ashes
from Gunung Kelud. I still had photos from those days.
19 October 2016. Graduation for the second time! Ehehe.
Saya bahkan gak inget kapan saya ujian tesis xD. My life after thesis defend
was kinda blur. Ehehehe
31 July
The day I left Jogja for my own goodness sake. How I woke up really early that
day, caught a cab to airport and enter the whole new world.
1 August
The day where I met for the first time my partner at work. The day where I, for
the first time ever worked together with a total stranger. A day where I built
a mutual trust. The day where I learned a lot of things.
5 August
The day where I left Jakarta to the place I called home. The day where I was
really baper but there was no tear fell down.
7 August
The day where my life as an oil and gas industry begin. Up till now.
Well, I really grateful for whatever I had in my
life. Because I believe, something happened for a reason.
This is not the end of my journey. Like what
Linkin Park said in their song. This is not the end, this is not the beginning.
Linkin Park – Waiting For The End
for the end to come
I had strength to stand
is not what I had planned
out of my control
I’m picking up the pieces, now where to begin
hardest part of ending is starting again
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