Hello, December

It’s December alreadyyyyy……… yay! It means holiday is coming hehe

Oh, I am all ready for the holiday. Even though I haven’t booked any tickets, yet xD. It was still unclear how my schedule. We were waiting for the biggest event, Penganugerahan Proper Emas 2017. Kkkk as we worked extra hard for the annual event held by Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Wkwk

December means it’s only a month left in 2017. Hello, 2018.

Did I achieve my-resolution for 2017?

The answer was…. Nah. I wrote nothing about yearly resolution.
But the thing is, I really grateful for this blessed year. Really grateful.

Why? Because God blessed me in so many ways. His bless came to me when I least expected it.

For the half of 2017, my status was an unemployee yet I was able to create some money.

Pekerja sambilan professional, we used to joke about our life after graduated from university. Bener sih.

I was assigned for two (almost three) project as a research assistant. First, Cilacap. Kerjaan sejak akhir Oktober tapi baru kelar April.
Second, Balikpapan. Started end of April and finished a week before Lebaran.

Third, Bogor. Started early August. But I was offered another job so I left the team. Iya, saya hampir berangkat ke Bogor buat pemetaan social. Udah dapet tim, udah ketemu sama anggota tim. Udah bawa pulang printilan pemetaan (kuesioner, kertas plano, spidol, gantungan kunci, undangan FGD, entah apalagi). Dan tim Bogor itu asik! I was teamed up again with my former house-mate during Balikpapan days. Dek Kharis and Ita. Kan seru kan xD

But then I moved out from Jogja. Entering the whole new world. The whole new challenge.

It was my fourth month as an employee at national oil and gas industry. Worked as community development officer really consumed most of my time. There were sure a lot of thing happened. Maybe I’ll post about how my life went on.

Now, what was filled my mind was how I should spend my limited-time-for-holiday. As I have nobody to meet up with, so it was pretty sure I will staying home all the time. Except for Christmas occasion.

Like I always meet up with friends every time I was home. Wkwkwk

One thing I am pretty sure I am going to do during holiday. Take a rest. I really need a nice-healing-time.

See ya!

Recently, I was into this song from Shawn Mendes.


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