Guardian: The Lonely and Great God
I was writing this post, I was halfway watching those phenomenal Korean drama,
no other than Dokkebi as know as Goblin
I already
watched this drama until 9th episode, from total 16. I wasn’t the
type who could sit still watching or doing something. Gak betah. Pasti di
tengah-tengah nonton berhenti dulu entah buat sekedar cek hape atau
guling-guling atau main game. Wkwk
I know
this drama was booming during it’s broadcast time. At first, I wasn’t interest
in it. Gak ngerti deh, gak minat aja gitu. Btw, sampe detik ini saya BELUM
NONTON drama paling hits sejagat raya Korea Selatan, tak lain tak bukan Descendant
of The Sun. gak minat walaupun semua orang bilang dramanya bagus banget.
I started
watching Goblin since last Tuesday night. On the third day, I only managed to
watched 9 episode. Wkwkwkwk lama ya. And I already bored to death. Huhuhu padahal
Cuma 16 episode lho -_-“
was no need for me to tell the whole story. You can check them by google. So I jumped
into conclusion.
yang saya tangkap dari drama dokkebi ini…. The drama’s story line was tragedy. Death
and reincarnation came one after another. Love stories between the main actors
were tragic yet sweet. Tears were everywhere as well as laughter. Seriously.
jalan ceritanya tragis, though not that kind of sad ending stories.
episode pertama aja saya udah ngerasa capek sendiri. Half of the first episode
was about war, betraying by His Majesty, slaughtering, sadness, and revenge. The
other half was about desperate, death, and (another) sadness. Intinya, bloods
were everywhere in the first episode. Gimana gak capek tuh nontonnya. But it
made me kept watching. The story was dynamic. Dan adegan lucunya banyak. Saya ketawa
ngakak. Hahahaha
ya itu… saya bosen. The only drama I could watch continously was Healer. I only
stopped watch it because I was tired but still corious. Hehehehe
jalan ceritanya complicated but quiet easy to understand. Unlike Master Sun.
saya sampe pusing bolak-balik baca wikipedia buat ngerti tokoh A siapa, B
siapa, C siapa wkwkwkwk
I decided
to watch Goblin partly because Lee Dong Wook, and Yook Sung Jae. Wkwkwk simply
curious. As Sung Jae himself was a member of popular boy group as well as an
actor. Never watched his dramas before so I was curious about his acting skill.
Dan yang bikin Goblin lucu ya salah satunya Sung Jae ini.
As I
watched Goblin one after another, I started realized the drama was full of
advertising. Iklannya banyak banget! Mulai dari Bodyshop (seriusan! Padahal Korea
Selatan terkenal sama produk perawatan mereka. Face Shop, Nature Republic, dan
lain-lain). iLoom, kind of furnitures company I think. Mobil masserati. Kamera Canon,
mineral water, entah apalagi.
No wonder,
drama production cost a lot of fortune. Jelas butuh banyak duit yang darimana
datangnya kalo gak dari sponsor. Ya kan.
Goblin’s soundtrack songs were good! I knew one of them months ago. The song
was Stay With Me by Punch ft Chanyeol of Exo. I knew it from Spotify wkwkwk
I am taking a rest from watching Goblin. Re-watching Healer sounds good, doesn’t
it? Hahahhaa
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