iKON thing(y)

So, apparently iKON is in the middle of preparing for their comeback and in the midst of filming MV(s). well. I should say I was happy to hear this news.

I mean, iKON didn’t release any major thing after debut. They release Welcome Back full album December 2015 and after that they were busy with iKONCERT Asia Tour (they came to Jakarta and I didn’t attend the concert! *sobs*). In mid 2016, they did another Japan Tour. They also filming two DVDs, Summertime and Wintertime (I am know waiting for their next Summertime *cough*)

iKONICs around the world already in fuss, as hint after hint was hinted during iKON Japan Tour encore. They already mocking YG sajangnim, accusing him doesn’t pay any attention for iKON.  They said iKON deserve more attention. Yeah something like that. It just…. I don’t like what they do. Fans kan gatau apa yang dilakuin iKON, and bussiness is cruel! Rilis album itu perlu startegi keleus. Namanya bisnis, pasti raup untung gede dong, gak Cuma sekedar menyenangkan fans. ya kan…. Kan gatau gimana sistem di internal YG Entertainment, tapi nuduh yang enggak-enggak. Hadeuh~

baru nunggu setaun lebih doang udah bawel. Cemana VIP sama Blackjack sist? Malah 2NE1 disbanded….. bayangin sakit hatinya blackjack. I am VIP, btw. And iKONIC. Wkwkwk 

Waiting for a year for a comeback album? Hell, that was nothing. If you are a VIP (BIGBANG fans), you should know how does it feels waiting for their comeback, which was took no less than 3 years! Itu aja rilisnya seucrit-ucrit. Edyaaaan. BIGBANG full album took another whole year to be released! Warbiyasa mang YG mah :”)

I am waiting for iKON comeback patiently, as I waited for BIGBANG’s. because in iKON we trust! HAHAHAHAHA bercanda deng. But really, I put my faith in iKON, for I am sure they are doing their very best to meet us, their beloved iKONIC.

While waiting for their comeback, all I do is… listening to their previous songs, or watching their DVDs. I already got my Kony’s Wintertime DVD but didn’t get a chance to watch them untill the end. The DVD arrived as I was busy with work (I was asked to be an editor for social mapping reports *cough*. Cilacap Bercahayaaaa *yelling*). I only managed to read the photobook (which took two days to read them. Huhuhu).

As for listening to their songs, honestly I don’t listeing to their songs much these days. I was into Linkin Park these days so….yeah. I listening to Iridescent, Waiting For The End, Burn It Down, and so on, over and over again. Hahahaha 

Karena kadang saya bosen nungguin berita iKON (yang sangat jarang ituh). Wkwkwkwk
Hah…. Jadi fangirling berat emang. Berat di ongkos sama beban mental. Hahahahahahaha *senderan di dada mas Jiyong*

Bonus, most favourite song from iKON , Apology (gak bisa ngetik hangul ny di laptop. Haha)



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