Life Must Go On

Because in the end, I am only a merely Social Development and Welfare student, from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.
Less classy than her who was a medical student. Calon dokter, masa depan cerah. Jelas jadi dokternya. Me? Kerjaan aja lom dapet selain masih sibuk sama proyek penelitian.

I wrote this post just because I felt neglected by a person who was dear to me.  A person who called herself a good friend of mine. But nope, that was a bullshit. Total bullshit, I should say.
Where in the hell person who claimed herself as a good friend could forgetting something simple like replied messages or something like that?

Me, I got one person. This person told me she was in Jogja last September, year of 2016. A year where I spent most of my time! Surely I was in Jogja as well for the whole month. As I was busy submitted documents for my graduation. And this person simply said “gw lupa kalo lu masih di Jogja”.

Well, you already forgotten my whole existence sih. So I shouldn’t felt offended.

Tau deh ya yang anak kedokteran, syibuk kuliah, syibuk praktikum, syibuk koass sana sini.

Beda sama anak sospol yang syelo. Masih bisa nongki tjantik biar juga besoknya ujian. Still got a nerve to watch K-drama despite would held a thesis defense in less than 24hours. Beda…. Beda. Kita mah praktikumnya gak banyak. Paling-paling wawancara pedagang di Bali. Atau wawancara pemegang asuransi di Jogja. Persiapan praktikum juga gak banyak. Cuma proposal limapuluhan halaman sama kuesioner duapuluhan halaman. Cuma itu kok. Gak kayak situ medical student kudu cari-cari cadaver. Hihi

But please let me tell you this. Don’t be too surprise if i turned out to be savage, even towards you who were a good friend of mine since middle school. Jangan kaget kalo dicuekin yha :’)

2017 is my second years not getting a birthday greeting from you. But still I l always managed to sent you one on your birthday every year. See? Who is the good person now?

Because you used study as the reason to neglected me, to ignored my texts. But still you got times for dating and so on. Thanks, for showed me your true identity. To taught me what a good friend is.

In the end, you are still friend of mine.
Thank you, J.

Linkin Park – Iridescent cocok nih jadi penutup (been into Linkin Park for the last four days)
With the cataclysm raining down
Inside crying “save me now”
You were impossibly alone
Remember all the sadness and frustation
Let it go…..
Let it go……
You felt the gravity of tempered grace
Falling into empty space
No one there to catch you in their arms..

Forgotten? Life must go on


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