high school memories

 I never realized how much I resent my high school teachers. Not until my mom told me my homeroom teacher’s husband passed away. I don’t really remember her.

But I do know she was a good teacher and has a kind soul. Unlike some of her colleague who underestimated me, some of them still does until now hehehe.

Oh I remember vividly when I was in my junior year, just entered high school. It was physic, that teacher, the one I really dislike was taught us. I admit I was pretty dumb when it came to numbers. But as I decided to pull out the best of me, I tried so hard to learn it.

She clearly stated whoever who don’t understand a thing, should ask her. “Kalau ada yang gak paham, tanya”. She. Clearly. Said. That.

So, I went forward to her desk and asked her to kindly explain that day’s subject. Guess what? She explained it in angry mode, right in front of the whole class. The way she pointed her finger to text book in harsh manner, it left me speechless. Instead of understanding her explanation, I felt dumber and shame. On that moment, I really dislike her.

There was one time I visited my old high school after I graduated and went to Universitas Gadjah Mada (bet she never expected me to go to a really good university. I have all right to be proud and arrogant here). As I was sitting at teacher lounge hall, she passed by me. But no, I paid no attention. I still offended by her acted to me years ago.


And one time at my senior year, I took a few days on absence left for Jogja took UM UGM. But the very same day, I was scheduled to national examination try out. Of course I missed it. Ya jelas milih UGM lah.

She was scolding me because in the end I took and addition try out and I think it was a hassle for her. Padahal sejak semester 2 dimulai, saya udah nanya jadwal try out kapan aja. Beliau bilang gak tau karena masih awal banget. Yaudah dong, my dad planned the whole schedules for my journey to university. Udah ngecek jadwal dan syarat daftar masuk universitas sejak semester 1 soalnya. Sudah tau kapan aja jadwal pendaftaran, syarat, cara daftar, jadwal tes, dan lain sebagainya. 

Lah bu gurunya gak dukung sama sekali malah ngomelin. Lagian Cuma try out, gak nentuin lulus sekolah apa enggak.

My last year at high school was filled with some bitter memories. I wanted to erase them.

Ada satu guru yang tau saya mau daftar UGM malah menyarankan daftar ke salah satu kampus di salah satu kota yang di mata beliau satu-satunya Kota Pendidikan. Monmaap nih, Jogja kota pendidikan juga kok. Terus lucu, muridnya mau daftar ke top three university tapi diarahin masuk kampus mediocre aja. Yhaaaa….. tau sih sini bukan juara kelas apalagi punya prestasi. I was a quite student. No fuss, no achievement, tend to treat like nothing. But I don’t care, really. As long as I doing good without harming people around me, I was good. I went to school and live it for myself. Gada cerita cari muka bermanis-manis ria ke guru. As long as I got support from my family, I was fine.

Hhh…. All those bad memories came back. I already buried them deep down on my mind. But yeah, I need to bury them deeper than before. 

Kembali ke resolusi awal tahun, menjalani hidup yang lebih Namaste.

Have a good day!


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