reading as part of life

 Since I dwelled myself into Kpop world and became a fan of BIGBANG, iKON, and currently Stray Kids, I rarely read anything. I thought I changed my lifetime hobby, reading.


I spent most of my leisure times to watch or fangirling over a bunch of Korean boys.


But, I just realized that deep down I still love reading. Especially when I found a good stories.


Reading, turned out not only a physical books. As technologies are way more advanced then my early days, I mostly reading on my phone or laptop. And still, once I read, I forgetting whatever happened around me.


Yesterday was no exceptional. There was time I only slept for two hours (dang, my sleeping problem is back! Cry). I spent my night reading some light novel on wattpad.


Yesterday was Vesakh day, so no work. Woke up quite early and did my morning routine (bath, skincare, read a bible, clean up my room), I lied on my bed reading, I changed my wattpad account into premium one so I can read in way more conveniently.


I didn’t realized the time passed by. As I can remember, I was starting my reading around 9am, finished at 1pm. Those times was spent without moved much, I still lied comfortably on my bed, holding my phone. I only stopped to drink a little. I didn’t eat my lunch, didn’t went out of room nor interact with people.


I couldn’t stop reading, not until I read to the last chapter. That’s how I engrossed myself into another world. And I love that. I really love reading.


I currently so into romance genre. Hahaha I used to hate that genre. I prefer fantasy, detective, comedy, mystery over romance. Maybe because at some point, I can relate to the stories line. Maybe.


Tapi, tenggelam dalam bacaan gak bisa sering-sering dilakukan. Paling pas libur aja. Bahaya kalo jam kerja, bisa lupa sama tugas kantor hahaha. Sekarang kepikiran buat beli ipad atau tablet deh biar makin gampang kalo baca. Cuma kok sepertinya ribet yah buat dibawa-bawa? Hahahah berat euy!


Selamat membaca!


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