quarantine days

 Talking about quarantine days…

I have spent a few days for mandatory quarantine. It’s a standard procedure during pandemic from my company. Everyone who went out of work area should go into quarantine and take a PCR test.


So I did quarantine and PCR when I back from my year-end leaves.


I spent a good-7-days of quarantine in solitary lifestyle HAHAHAHAHAHA


My company arranged a room for myself at quarantine house. Actually, I wasn’t alone. There was another 3-4 people who quarantined at the same house. But we weren’t allowed to meet. Every time we went out from room to get food, we must tell the others through whatsapp group. So we don’t meet or bump into each other.


My room was simple with a bathroom. As the quarantine house was actually a lodge for directors when they visit field, the house itself was pretty decent and quite luxury. But, the house was located at a small hill with a terrace faced a golf course. Without neighbours at all. So, yeah. At night it was pretty quiet. Hahahaha


Actually, I almost had no problems being in solitary during quarantine. I didn’t lose my mind hehehe but yeah, I miss being outside, like simply doing my laundry or cooking at kitchen, not holed up at small room 24hours a day.


Though I was quarantine, I still work from home. I still discussed thing with my colleagues about works and still attended a company virtual meeting. My quarantine life wasn’t that bad after all.


During quarantine days, I still manage to stay in shape lol. Doing light exercise, drink a lot of water, and stay sane because I had nobody to talk to. Hehehe


I hope this pandemic will be over soon. I missed travelling to new places and meet new people.


Stay safe, stay healthy!

Song for this post Highlight - Not The End


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